Development tools are essential in building software and applications. They include a broad range of utilities and applications that assist developers in coding, building, testing, and managing software projects. Here’s a list of commonly used digital products across various subcategories within the field of development tools:

**Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):**

1. Microsoft Visual Studio
2. IntelliJ IDEA
3. Eclipse
4. PyCharm
5. NetBeans
6. Xcode (for macOS and iOS development)
7. Android Studio (for Android development)
8. Atom
9. PhpStorm
10. Sublime Text

**Code Editors:**

11. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
12. Vim
13. Emacs
14. Brackets
15. Notepad++

**Version Control Systems:**

16. Git
17. GitHub
18. GitLab
19. Subversion (SVN)
20. Mercurial
21. Bitbucket

**Build Automation Tools:**

22. Jenkins
23. Travis CI
24. CircleCI
25. Gradle
26. Apache Maven
27. Apache Ant
28. GitLab CI/CD
29. TeamCity

**Configuration Management and Deployment:**

30. Ansible
31. Puppet
32. Chef
33. SaltStack
34. Terraform
35. Kubernetes (container orchestration)

**Package Managers:**

36. npm (Node package manager)
37. Yarn
38. NuGet
39. Pip (Python package installer)
40. Maven (for Java)
41. Composer (for PHP)
42. RubyGems (for Ruby)
43. Cargo (for Rust)

**Database Management Systems:**

44. MySQL Workbench
45. phpMyAdmin
46. MongoDB Compass
47. Oracle SQL Developer
48. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 49. DataGrip

**API Development and Testing:**

50. Postman
51. Swagger UI
52. SoapUI
53. Insomnia
54. Paw

**Static Code Analysis Tools:**

55. SonarQube
56. ESLint
57. JSHint
58. StyleCop
59. Checkstyle

**Performance and Load Testing Tools:** 60. JMeter 61. Gatling 62. LoadRunner 63. ApacheBench 64. BlazeMeter **Debugging Tools:** 65. GDB (GNU Debugger) 66. Xdebug (for PHP) 67. WinDbg **Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks:** 68. Flutter 69. React Native 70. Xamarin 71. Cordova 72. Ionic **Containerization and Virtualization:** 73. Docker 74. Vagrant 75. VMware 76. VirtualBox **Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Tools:** 77. GitHub Actions 78. Bamboo 79. Azure DevOps Services **Collaboration and Project Management:** 80. JIRA 81. Trello 82. Asana 83. Basecamp 84. Slack (collaboration) 85. GitHub Projects **Code Review and Collaboration Platforms:** 86. Gerrit 87. Phabricator 88. Review Board 89. Crucible **DevOps Monitoring:** 90. Grafana 91. Prometheus 92. New Relic 93. AppDynamics **Text Manipulation:** 94. grep (command-line text search utility) 95. sed (stream editor for filtering and transforming text) 96. AWK (programming language for text processing) **Documentation Tools:** 97. Doxygen 98. Sphinx 99. Markdown (markup language) 100. Confluence **Bug Tracking:** 101. Bugzilla 102. MantisBT 103. Redmine This list reflects the diversity and specialization within development tools, providing a wide range of functionalities, from text editing to complex deployment automation. While this list is comprehensive, it represents only a fraction of the tools available to developers, with many specialized tools existing for specific languages, frameworks, and development methodologies.